junior miners

918 days ago

Video: I'm Finding Deep Value in Mining Stocks

Analyst John Feneck argues how different the miners feel now than back in 2016. He explains his investing approach and how he avoids certain issues. It’s important to be able to sleep at night. Currently, he’s heavily invested in junior miners and explains why.


1426 days ago

Video: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Especially Junior Miners

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started his career back in the mid-70s when gold was re-legalized. Instead of focusing on price, he looks at long-term trends, which is important because price being based in fiat can be misleading. He says, “Today, we are in the hyper-space of money printing.” Using price can be compared to building a house with a yard-stick that changes in length. Their focus is on the longer-term and not the day to day, they look for structure rather than short moves in momentum.
